Gareth and Malou’s Update: August 2024

The three cities Nairobi, Kampala and Kigali are in three adjoining countries: Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda

As you can see below, this month is dominated by a visit to Africa with a variety of ministry in and around three capital cities. In Nairobi (see photo below), I have been invited to give the morning Bible readings and the final missions challenge. We greatly appreciate your interest, prayers and support. Whatever you are currently facing, may you know the presence of the Lord who will never abandon you.

God bless you all,

Gareth and Malou Bolton

Sun Aug 4         10.30am: Sturminster CF, Dorset, DT10 1AX (

Aug 10               Wedding of Chris Chatfield (Chairman of AMEN Trustees) and Sharon Bass in Halifax

Sun Aug 11       10.00am: Walton Evangelical Church, Chesterfield, S40 3DD (

Aug 14-18         Nairobi, KENYA (Missions’ Conference, Deliverance Church. Ruai)

Aug 19-23         Kampala, UGANDA (African Bible University: chapel, students, etc (

Aug 23-28         Kigali, RWANDA (Christian Life Assembly: Amahoro Foundation (

I first met Pastor Elijah (top left) at a conference in India in the 1980’s where we were both speaking and then………
  ………..I spent Christmas 1991 with him and his young family while ministering with the Deliverance church


Francis (IND) & Alison (UK), founders of Tender Heart Foundation, AMEN partners and our friends since MV Logos 2