2016 December update

It’s amazing how much you can achieve in a short time if you have energy and support. In 6 days on Malou’s typhoon hit island, we managed to distribute (see above) 10 x 25kg sacks of rice to pastors, 450 seedlings to church members (in partnership with a local elementary school) and flew out Joe, an evangelist from Manila, all of which was funded by AMEN (www.amentrust.co.uk). Joe shared the gospel in many high school classes as well as among the relatives of believers, resulting in some first time commitments. We initiated an interdenominational monthly ministers’ fraternal, preached in the largest church on the island and spoke at evangelism and campus ministry training conferences. Finally, we conducted a 5.30am prayer meeting for the pastors for the persecuted church worldwide.
May we wish you, our readers, friends and supporters a Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year.
Gareth ><> Malou Bolton
Dec 3-10 HUB (Belgrade Bible School) teaching 2 Kings & Ezekiel
Sun Dec 4 Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, SERBIA (‘How to react to Injustice’)
Sun Dec 11 AM: St John’s, Deptford (James 5:7-10); PM: Malou arrives from the Philippines
Dec 16-19 Holiday Break
Sun Dec 25 New Farm Chapel, Arlesford, Hampshire
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