Gareth and Malou’s update: October 2023

The proximity and intimacy is doubly emphasised while ‘sitting at someone’s feet’ is a humble place indicating an openness to hear and receive. We are not told that Mary spoke or even prayed – she just listened to the Lord speaking into her life. What might be the outcome of listening to Jesus – peace, refreshment, conviction, redirection, joy, provision etc. I don’t know about you but I can think of few things more important in the unpredictable, noisy, fast moving, challenging and demanding world in which we live than to spend time listening to what Jesus is saying to us. Samuel had it right: ‘Speak (Lord), for your servant is listening’ (1 Samuel 3:10)
Gareth & Malou Bolton
Sun Oct 1 New Barn CF, Longfield, DA3 7AN (
Oct 2-7 Oak Hall in Ireland
Sun Oct 8 Christian Believers’ Fellowship Telugu Church, Dublin
Sun Oct 22 Wilmington Community Church Missions Sunday
Oct 27-31 Ellel Ministries, Glyndley Manor, Sussex (Malou)