Negotiating with difficulty a crumbling, narrow and waterlogged strip of land between two paddy (rice) fields
As we are currently experiencing late summer weather in the UK, we thank God for continued open doors and opportunities to minister in various countries. We have now been back a week from an intensive 2 week visit to south Asia entailing 12 flights to three cities. This morning, Gareth was speaking on Hebrews 11 and was challenged again by what it means to live a life of faith. We encourage anyone who has been asked to take on a new responsibility to serve the Lord not to let fear prevent you from accepting it. Be blessed and encouraged, Gareth & Malou Bolton
Sun Sept 3 Sanderstead Evangelical Church, Croydon (Heb. 11-13)
Sun Sept 10 Sanderstead Evangelical Church, Croydon (Heb. 11-13)
Sept 19-26 Oak Hall in Montenegro (Gareth only)
Sun Oct 1 New Barn CF, Longfield Hill, Kent
Delivering the first of three messages at the ‘Truth’ Conference – the truth about temptation, about unity and about missionsWe hadn’t realised we had arrived on Independence Day!Beautiful Hallstatt in Austria overlooks a lake where we hired a rowing boat and took this pictureIn Austria, cows always have priority on the roads.A mime was requested to be given during one of the evening meetings which was filmedIt was less than a year ago (see Nov 2022 update) that we laid the Foundation Stone for this hospital which is now up & runningBrother Santhosh showing us some of the individual reports of workers in the fieldDelivering a number of talks to a few hundred workers in a series entitled ‘A Biblical Basis For Missions’Committing the pastor’s family and friends to the Lord after a great meeting in a somewhat remote place in the south