June 2014 update


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Gareth’s birthday celebration – which birthday? See the Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s Album, track 8

In some places, you need to cross the sea  to engage in mission activity; in other places, you only need to cross the road. This month, we will do both. We shall join the Open Air Mission’s annual outreach in London where we will meet daily with many nationalities. Last year I talked to Simon from China and a high ranking government official from Egypt. Both had heard little about Jesus yet were open to listen and receive literature. Later, we will again fly to GREENLAND to bring the gospel to many needy people for whom Jesus died.

May our prayers and your prayers result in changed lives.

Grateful to God for you,

Gareth ><> Malou Bolton                             Looking for God?

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be, is moderately important.”  C S Lewis

Malou was given a free ticket to the Royal Horticultural Society’s annual Chelsea Flower Show


Sun June 8      Elmstead Lane Baptist Church, S.E. London
June 10-14       Open Air Mission, London’s West End, UK  
Sun June 15   Vine Evangelical Church, Sevenoaks, Kent
June 17-24      Mislata, SPAIN (with AOG)
June 25-26      Fly to Nuuk via DENMARK
Jun 29-Jul 13   Evangelistic Camps, GREENLAND watch video below from last year’s Greenland trip