March 2015 update
‘The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want’. (Psalm 23:1 NIV). As I was thinking about this well-known verse yesterday, I realised that it is a mistake to constantly make our needs the focus. Our focus should rather be on the shepherd, the good shepherd. As we meditate & think on him, we can rest assured that we will have everything we need. God would never withhold anything from us that he knows we need. Let’s make sure our attention does not constantly stray from the shepherd to what the shepherd gives. Time and energy are better employed in worship than in worry!
Gareth ><> Malou visit
Sun Mar 1 Belgrade International Christian Fellowship, SERBIA
Mar 2-7 HUB (Belgrade Bible School, Gareth teaching a Missions Module, Malou teaching Creative Evangelism)
Sun Mar 8 St John’s, Deptford, London
Sun Mar 15 AM: Brewham Chapel, Somerset
PM: STEPS, Sherborne, Dorset (evangelistic)
Tue Mar 17 Fly to Dubai
Mar 19-20 Meetings in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mar 22-30 Meetings in Kerala, INDIA
Mar 31-Apr 6 Meetings in Goa and Karnataka, INDIA