May 2015 update

Here in Romania, it is encouraging to find a growing interest in missions amongst Europe’s 4th largest and growing evangelical population. However, I will never forget the unique experience 25 years ago (see below), of preaching in this nation to hundreds who stood hearing the gospel in the open air months after the assassination of the dictator Ceausescu; the response to the gospel was quite overwhelming. If we are anywhere near you this month, do come and meet us. May the Lord bless you all.
Gareth ><> Malou
Psalm 75:7: “But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.”
Future Schedule
Apr 29-May 07 Ministering with OM ROMANIA
May 9 AMEN Trustees, Yorkshire
Sun May 10 9.30am: St Peter’s, Shipley
5.30pm: Holme on Spalding Moor (evangelistic meeting)
May15-17 Oak Hall Summer Team Weekend
Sun May 17 10.30 & 6.30: Christ Church, Haywards Heath (World Mission Sunday)
May 22-29 Methodist Church Meetings + R&R, Scilly Isles
Sun May 31 10.00am: Scorrier CF, Redruth, Cornwall
6.30pm: Helston Baptist Church, Cornwall