October 2014 update

Gareth’s recent trip to ITALY provided a great opportunity to speak each night to the 40+ guests on the tour.After preaching 8 times from the book of Jonah, it was encouraging to see around half a dozen standing at the final meeting indicating that they were prepared to stop running and take action on what God had revealed to them. Meanwhile, Malou was back home designing the next AMEN newsletter ready for printing and delivery. We are convinced that it is your prayers for us that make a real difference in all that we do.
May you also be blessed and encouraged,
Gareth ><> Malou
AMEN Charity shoebox appeal 2014
Oct 4-12 Oak Hall in Santorini, GREECE
Oct 18-25 Belgrade Bible School, (HUB), Belgrade, SERBIA (Teaching 1 & 2 Kings)
Sun Oct 19 Novi Sad Christian Fellowship
Sun Oct 26 Romford Evangelical Church (with Logos Hope team)