2016 September update

Preaching the gospel on Mars Hill outside Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

We thank God for the many open doors around the world including, this month, the USA. Please remember AMEN at this time, after the loss of one of our major donors following the collapse of BHS, a British retail company. If you would rather not receive these updates, just send an email with ‘unsubscribe update’ in the subject line.

God bless you all,

Gareth ><> Malou Bolton


‘A Christian who is far more enthusiastic about miracles than about prayer, far more excited about dramatic guidance than about reading the Bible is a believer who is running a temperature – it may make him feel warm but it is not an indication of spiritual health.’ DONALD BRIDGE

Sun Sept 4         STEPS Community Church, Sherborne, Dorset
Sun Sept 11        Cranham Baptist Church, Upminster, Essex
Sept 16               Fly to Miami, USA
Sun Sept 18       Lake Morton Community Church, Tampa, Florida
Sept 21-23          Nightly meetings in various Miami churches
Sept 24               Fly Miami to Greenville, South Carolina
Sun Sept 25       Clemson Presbyterian (3 meetings)
Sept 27               Navigators, Clemson University
Sept 28               Ladies and youth meeting
Sept 29               International Students Ministry
Sept 30               Fly to Los Angeles

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