2018 June update

Greetings to the 2000+ who now receive this monthly update as well as the few hundred who get a snail mail version. In two hours, I (Gareth) leave for Harare and in a few days’ time, I will be 68 years old. Your encouragement and support, in some cases for about 45 years, is a real blessing.
May the Lord bless each of you,
Gareth & Malou Bolton (with OM International) www.amentrust.co.uk
June 1-10 Ministry in churches and OM’s ‘GO Challenge’ (Gareth only) in Harare, ZIMBABWE
June 2-9 Open Air Mission outreach in London (Malou only)
June 15-16 FFM Conference, High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Herts.
Sun June 17 Dartford Community Church, Kent (Father’s Day message at home church)
June 22-24 International Evangelical Church (IEC) annual summer retreat near Helsinki, FINLAND
June 25-28 Travel and visit friends in Finland
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