October 2013 Update

I am writing this during our return flight from Scotland to London. Although the numbers attending the ‘Keswick in the Borders’ were less than expected, the convention seemed to be a great success with many books distributed, many friends made and many appreciative comments received.
In a few days’ time we leave for our sixth annual visit to ITALY. It is an excellent opportunity to expound the Bible and to encourage the church with information about what God is doing around the world.
Finally, after much searching and negotiating, AMEN has at last purchased a piece of land for ‘Tender Heart’ in Goa, INDIA, on which the Hope Centre will be built. Visit www.amentrust.co.uk for more stories around the world
Oct 4-15 Ministry in ITALY
Sun Oct 20 Brewham Chapel, Dorset
Oct 23-30 HUB, SERBIA (teaching 1 & 2 Kings at Belgrade Bible School)
Thanks for being our friends and supporters,
Gareth ><> Malou Bolton
