November 2013 update

Having spoken and taught in ITALY and SERBIA during October, November will see us visiting and ministering with four AMEN partner projects, two in INDIA and two in NIGERIA. Prayers that we glorify God and stay healthy and safe are greatly appreciated. Thanks for being there
for us at such a time as this.
Gareth ><> Malou Bolton
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”
Nov 1-12 INDIA (Verity Films and Communications in Tirunelveli and Village Missionary Movement in Virudhunagar)
AMEN India visit
Fri Nov 1: Depart London Gatwick at 9.45am with Emirates airline.
Sat Nov 2: Arrive Trivandrum, India at 9.35am. Driven by car to Tirunelveli (c. 3-4 hours)
Sun Nov 3: One day conference for international students from Holy Trinity Cathedral
Mon Nov 4: Filming apologetic DVD on ‘suffering’ for African students
Tue Nov 5: Leave 7.00am for VMM HQ. Three teaching sessions with 60 full time workers
Wed Nov 6: Three teaching sessions with 60 full time workers
Thu Nov 7: Two teaching sessions with 60 full time workers
Fri Nov 8: Rest day with outing arranged
Sat Nov 9: Youth meeting in Sivakasi
Sun Nov 10: Teaching session for lay missionaries
Mon Nov 11: Two morning sessions for Tholamai missionaries. Drive to Trivandrum airport
Tue Nov 12: Depart Trivandrum at 0430; arrive London Gatwick at 11:55am
AMEN Nigeria visit
Fri Nov 15: Depart London Heathrow at 10.40pm with British Airways
Sat Nov 16: Arrive Abuja, Nigeria at 5.50am. Drive 4 hours to Jos
Sun Nov 17: Preach in a local church with Grace and Light International
Nov 18-19: Visit the ministry, meet key folk, view the property, etc.
Wed Nov 20: Travel to Nasarawa Eggon and climb a mountain for 2-3 hours! Evening meeting.
Nov 20-23: Minister on the mountain to c. 3000 at the conference, ‘Gateway to all nations’
Sun Nov 24: Descend the mountain and drive to Abuja for overnight stay
Mon Nov 25 Depart Abuja at 9.00am; arrive in London Heathrow at 2.35pm
(Malou and I will travel to and from Nigeria with Trish Chatfield, the AMEN Trustee overseeing our partnerships and ministries in Africa)