April 2014 update

maryAfter seven weeks and twenty flights, we arrived home last night from our three Asian nation tour. As well as preaching, teaching and evangelising, we have, on behalf of AMEN, dedicated fishing boats for survivors of the Philippines’ typhoon, a new dental clinic plus a vehicle in a tough part of Manila and donated a number of piglets for livelihood projects. Before leaving India, it was particularly fulfilling to ‘cut the ribbon’ for a new home and meeting place for a physically disabled Indian missionary, Mary Sanyasi. She regularly gathers 50 children where she shares the gospel. Gareth then delivered three teaching sessions in the new meeting room via Telugu translation for VMM workers. It has been a memorable visit. Thanks again for standing with us.

Gareth & Malou Bolton


dedication clinicsewing van



The Lord has done great things for us and we rejoice!

  • Another three sewing machines are given to trained tailors as part of a micro finance AMEN project in India
  • The meeting room for Mary Sanyasi’s students in India is dedicated and declared open
  • This new dental clinic in Manila, sponsored by generous friends, is now ready for use
  • This new 12 seater car is now ready for action in Manila


Sun Apr 6            STEPS Community Church, Sherborne, Dorset
Sun Apr 13          All Nations Church, Manor Park, London
April 17-26          Oak Hall ministry in SWITZERLAND (Gareth only)
Sun April 27        Dunvant Christian Fellowship, Swansea, WALES
April 28               OM Quinta devotions