January 2014 update

Please click the photo on the right to see our 2013 retrospective. Enjoy the photos.
One person I have yet to see on any Christmas card or portrayed in any Christmas story is Simeon, yet what he said about Jesus as he held him in his arms was as profound and visionary as anything anyone else said (Luke 2:29-33). He understood something of God’s missionary purpose, an issue the early church would wrestle with for some time. After arriving in Ras al Khaimah, UAE to join Logos Hope, we sailed to SRI LANKA, where we spent Christmas & the New Year. On the first Sunday of 2014, (the day before we left the ship), a number stood at the end of the service as an act of personal recommitment to the Lord Jesus. We leave on Friday for three weekends with OM in Santiago, CHILE. As well as speaking at a newly established international training programme, we will be ministering in churches, seeking to mobilise more Chilean believers for world missions, remembering, as Simeon said, that Jesus is ‘a light for revelation to the nations’.
Jan 10-28 Ministry with OM, Santiago, CHILE

with the Filipinos
onboard Logos Hope
India visit 2013, watch our latest video